Why is it, that when one thing goes wrong, anything and everything will follow? I have lived by the saying God only gives you what you can handle and I used to sneer at the people who would say I just wish he didn't trust me with so much... the wimps.
Lately, I am wimping out a little more frequently.
4:45 am
4:45 am
My husband wakes me up his car won't start. He's taking mine.
7:15 am
My front loader washer is spewing water from places it shouldn't.
7:30 am
After I dried up all the water that the thing spit at me I continued to
try to figure out what was wrong.
7:52 am
I drained and cleaned the vent, cause I'm good like that. It still spewed water!
8:20 am-1:30 pm
I tore my house up looking for the warranty. It was bad we just moved
I went through so many boxes.
1:30 pm
My sister in law called ( time was exact I checked the caller ID)
and told me that they keep those things on file. I wished she called earlier.
2:00 pm
1st attempt at calling. Actually called the wrong store because I was
so frazzled. Then I had to let the poor service person know I had pretty
much wasted about 7 minutes of her life. She just laughed at me.
Mean while my children had free rain of the house.
2:15 pm
2nd attempt at calling. This went better, but I knew a whole lot about the service woman when we were done. How much the gas was where she lived, family, where there was good shopping, you name it we talked about it.
I hope I didn't make you tried just reading this. On the bright side, I have an appointment for my water puking washer. On the not so bright side I have a whole bunch of dirty clothes and my kids have had a field day with my house. If I can just make it to bedtime.
I wonder if my sister will mind a few loads of extra laundry.