Children pick, it's a fact. They pick noses, wedgies, some even pick belly buttons. My story is a tale of a picker of sorts. To some it will be distrubing and to others it will be common place. For me it was too much!
~ The other night I was up late with my two littlest. They had taken naps too late in the day to go to bed at a normal hour, so mommy got to stay awake for a lot longer then she expected. We were sitting on the couch enjoying ourselves. The kiddos were watching Toy Story, I was on my laptop when I realized that my poor son was being attacked by his sister. I looked down to find her showing the tip of her finger to her brother saying "eww" and wiping her finger on the couch. I told her to knock it off, she giggled. A second later she was waving her finger in his face again. Told her to stop (I have a problem with consistantcy, I don't have any). I went back to what I was doing, just too exhausted to actually make her listen. Out of the corner of my eye I saw what she was doing. She would stick her finger in my son's ear and pull it out with ear wax on it. She looked like she was a pirate looking for treasure and when she got it, she was thrilled, so much so that she had to show her brother. "Look Bubba, eeeewww," she would say as she wave that finger around. My son would look real hard at the tip of her finger and as he squinted he said, "ucky, JoJo." Don't get me wrong it was funny, just gross at the same time. So being the good mom I should, I said, "I'm serious, knock that off, it's gross!" I think I used her complete name when I ended my declaration. She giggled a second time. I gave her one of my famous dirty looks. Looking back, I don't think I scared her in the least, but at the time I thought there was some improvement. She slowly got up and went to the kitchen, I figured she was getting a drink, which she did. It was then on her way back to the couch that I realized her dasteredly plan as she set back on the couch ( on the other side of her brother ). That sicko wanted her brother's other ear! I called her on it, as she slowly sat down acting like she wasn't doing anything. She giggled her last. This time I stood my ground (couch), she was not able to pick my poor defendless child's ear any longer. I took the spot between them!
For those that are wondering: my childs ears were clean... well at least I thought they were. I had just giving him a bath.