Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Please help me in supporting Our Troops!

I'm writing because I have become aware of this awesome cause "Operation Sunscreen", a program where we send a soldier overseas a sun care set! I need your help!

Tim and I have never served, but with recent events this is a cause close to our Hearts. We have goal of 100 soldiers! I'm collecting donations beginning today and through July 4th!

How it works is this:
1. You let me know how many soldiers you want to adopt
2. I purchase and package the sun care sets (sun screen, lipbalm w/spf15, after sun gel)
3. I have them shipped directly to Soldier's Angels, a volunteer-led 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization http://www.soldiersangels.org/
4. Soldier's Angels sends all of the packages to the overseas soldiers (they have all the permits to complete large shipments to our troops)

Each sun care set is $25 (includes tax and shipping). I accept all forms of payment (cash, check,Visa/Mastercard/AMEX/Discover). Checks should be made payable to Bernadette Rausch.

I know that together we can reach this goal of 100 soldiers adopted! If you have questions about this program, Soldier's Angels or you want to adopt a soldier (or several) please contact me! Please fell free to pass it on.

Thank you so Much!
Bernadette Rausch